29 January 2009


I now have three pieces from the CITRONE range by Lancaster & Sandland LTD. there's something about the creamy white and the yellow back that I love. This is the year I'm going to buy a house.

1. Would have room for mohair goats
2. A large vegetable patch, fruit trees
3. Chickens
4. Separate studio with power, water etc
5. Polished floorboards
6. Gas heater
7. Gas oven etc
8. Solar hot water
9. Grid connected solar panels
10. Grey water collection
11. Heaps of storage space
12. large rooms with high ceilings
13. Lots of water
14. Heaps of CHARACTER!!
15. Be by the sea

The reality will be very different, some of the Green options I can add to the house over time but space versus being close to town, town wins. I have to be close to a bus line as I don't drive. The dream lives on, you never know.

14 January 2009


Here are the last of my HEXAGAUGHAN'S the colours are softer than in the photo's. I'm not happy with the way the SSK PSSO turned out if I make any more I'll try knitting the stitches together. It's been so HOT, to hot to knit or cook at least we have cool nights with a sea breeze. When I lived in Melbourne my flat was like an oven and the cicadas would keep me awake for most of the night if I had the windows open.

9 January 2009


The Great Hexagaughan Knit-A-Long is on! the Norah Gaughan lovers at Ravelry have started a KAL where everyone knits and sends their work to a nomminated address where they will be sewn into a very large blanket for Norah Gaughan. The extra hexes will be made into more blankets for charity. I like the idea that there will be hexagons from all over the world in one piece of work. I've made one so far and I'm hoping to make another two or three by Monday when they will be posted to America, the deadline is the 01-02-08 so they should get there in plenty of time.

4 January 2009


Here it is! the taller than my Mother mohair throw, it's wider than it looks and very stretchy. I tried to do a swatch using the fir cone pattern but it's to tricky for me, the dark wool didn't help either. The scallop pattern is easy but hard to see using the brown wool so I thought a chevron pattern might work, time to try another swatch.

1 January 2009


I've decided to knit a wrap\throw using brown wool and the fir cone pattern from the Harmony Guides volume 2 page 59. The pattern does not seem to complicated so I'll start the swatch tonight and see if I'm able to manage it. I think the pattern looks more like peacock feather eyes, there's a scallop pattern that would look good if fir cone's to hard. You know your getting old when there's a LOUD doof doof party in your street and you can't be bothered getting out of bed at 4.00 am to call the police even when you can smell the rubber from the wheelies. I told myself never mind you can have a nice afternoon lay down with a good book. Happy New Year!

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This work by wattlebirdies is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.