19 September 2010


It's raining again today so a cup of hot chocolate and some garden reading matter is just the the thing to make you feel Spring might be around the corner. I want to get the rest of my Spring seed orders in but the choices are huge!!! I've counted twenty six types of tomato and fifteen types of pumpkin.  There are some seeds that can't be sent to Tasmania unless they have clearance by customs, I think they need an extra treatment? anyway I've found three good local seed sources that have great variety.

The Lost Seed  http://www.thelostseed.com.au/   
Rangeview Seeds http://www.rangeviewseeds.com.au/home.php
Southern Harvest http://www.southernharvest.com.au/ 

I've been madly digging garden beds ready for planting  It's slow going as the ground's very hard and full of rocks,  I just hope there will be room for everything. My foot's almost better but I can only wear shoes that are either loose slip on or lace up, no more lovely Mary Jane's or heels. Here's Furgus keeping watch over his domain.

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